Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Big Top

Snow Maen Amor Moon
Up before the world, Asbo and I tackled the North Face of Craig Celynin.
The thaw that had started yesterday afternoon was stopped as the temperature plummeted under last nights clear sky. As we walked over the fields towards the mountain gate footsteps crunched. Mine penetrating the crust and erupting soft powder. Asbo skittering around ungainly in a way left behind when he was a mere cautionary warning. Puzzled by the lack of friction he reverted to giant puppy.
Higher and higher we climbed and the snow grew deeper. Swinging round the shoulder of Tal-y-fan we turned up the final slope and I noticed that the waning moon was hanging full above the opposite slope of Maen Amor.
I am not sure what the dog made of it. I paused for a moment and thanked the Great Moo Moo for his blessing.
Later, much later, we came back down the mountain because I have to go to work in the morning.


Llandudno Blogger said...

Snowed in?

Mike said...

You seem to have found the muse again. Nice to have you back!

What numbers do you have next to the Hg on the mountain?


meredic said...

Llandudno Blogger Just the one day, really a problem of ice on the road

Mike I am afraid I am without a thermometer up here at present :-(
There is ice on the inside of the windows though..

Mike said...

Now then, when is your birthday again............... oh yes, that will be a bit too late to record the winter minima. We have a couple of wireless indoor/outdoor ones here, a great toy, recommended!

We had ice on the inside when it dropped to -7 here, and we have central heating! (no double glazing though.)
