Sitting in my new red shiny I am gliding along the Shropshire Union Canal. I am as one with Ratty, there is nothing quite so fine on this sunny afternoon as simply messing about in a boat.
Between the occasional ripples generated by a passing barge swallows swoop and drink. Cows, bucolic cast casual enquiry as I drift by, paddles dipping to guide my progress. Between the spells of rural idyll little cottages spread the cloth of their manicured lawns down to the water, inviting thoughts of lazy afternoon picnics in dappled sunshine. Willows bend their branches, trailing their fingertips in the water. Bright wild flowers nod in quiet warm appreciation. A kingfisher flashes iridescent green and blue.
August is dusting of its summer raiment and across gentle breeze the insects murmur an appreciation. Nothing to disturb us dear friends. Not a note.
Unless of course you count She Of The Townhouse running her own version of Twitter as she splashes along behind. Still a couple of extra strokes and I think we can leave all that behind…….